Olga (Olia) Rudnitsky is a multi-faceted artist and writer,

photographer, illustrator, and designer.

                                     As a self-taught artist, she began painting

                                     at the age of 3. At 14, she was already being                                           commissioned portraits and reproductions

                                     of old masters like Renoir and Rembrandt.                                             She later developed her own expressionist

style defined by the intensity of rich color and her vivid


                Like a magician armed with a paintbrush and a pen    

for a wand, Olga paints a door into a mysterious realm, both

exiting and strange. Her work is an escape from the

mundane into a beautiful dream.

                 Olga’s whimsical stories aspire to give the reader a

   sense of childish wonder and awe.

                           * * *

Olga’s first solo art exhibition was at United Nations, New York City

(2009). She is a finalist in a number of art competitions, and her work

is published in leading art magazines like Direct Art Magazine

(20011-2013 annual issues). Olga illustrated a 2012 children’s book

THE BULLY CAT, by Amazon best selling author Nadia Sahari.

Available for purchase in book stores like Amazon,

Barnes & Noble and others. Olga’s art was selected to

    be shown on a giant billboard in Times Square NYC

       at Art Takes Times Square 2012 event that

    attracted an estimated 200,000 viewers worldwide.

Olga’s 2012 jewelry line LEAFOLIA has been inspired

by a woman’s inner beauty.

Copyright 2011


ART TAKES TIMES SQURE event, sponsored by Chashama and produced by Artists Wanted, was the largest exhibition of art in New York City in 2012. - Olga’s Art was shown on the billboard to the left.


Olga’s submission portfolio can be viewed on http://olgarudnitsky.artistswanted.org/

                              or http://olgarudnitsky.artistswanted.org/atts2012




LAKE OF FIRE    Oil on canvas by Olga Rudnitsky  2011


To see more of Olga’s artwork please go to www.olgarudnitsky.com